TuneTracker QuickTip
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Understanding ProximityGuard(TM)
It's easy to confuse the roles of TuneStacker's randomization and
ProximityGuard(TM) features, so here's a quick tip to help clarify
their roles.
Because the wording (syntax) of randomization lines in your format
clocks includes the word "Protect," it's easy to associate
randomization with ProximityGuard(TM), but there isn't a direct
relationship between ProximityGuard(TM) and the randomizations you do.
ProximityGuard(TM) doesn't take into consideration your various
randomization patterns. Instead, it simply looks at the overall
program log TuneStacker is generating and assures that cuts don't show
up any more often than you have specified in your ProximityGuard(TM)
settings. If you have protected by Artist within 300 adjacent events,
that simply means another song by that artist will not be run within
300 adjacent events in the program log. There is no consideration of
how the songs were picked using your randomization techniques.
TuneStacker works best when you limit ProximityGuard(TM) protection to
a single criteria, such as protecting by Artist, or by Title. We have
found situations where it can actually work against you if you stack
more than one criteria. The result can sometimes be that songs get
played too close together. So we advise our users to limit
ProximityGuard(TM) to a single protection layer.