Radio Automation Software | The TuneTracker System
TuneTracker QuickTip
The Versatile "Switcher" Command
If you are using a TuneTracker System equipped with a Broadcast Tools switcher, used for broadcasting network programming and other live audio, be sure to become familiar with the # Switcher Command.
# Switcher is a single line you can add to a program log that handles the entire job of putting a live audio source on the air and taking it back off again. In a typical use situation, it looks something like this:
# Switcher HotTrackList2 00:20:00 Input 4 to Output 1 Listen 8 ClassicsNet Segment One
At first, that looks a little complex, but it really isn't. It just tells AutoCast to communicate with your Broadcast Tools switcher and tell it to send the audio from input 4 to to output 1 for 20 minutes, or until a signal sent by the network is received on relay input 8. The end of the line, "ClassicsNet Segment One," is simply the label that will be displayed in AutoCast while the show segment is being broadcast. The only other item in the line, "HotTrackList2," refers to a text file that contains some special behaviors that can be performed while the network event is being broadcast, such as the playing of "magic calls," IDs, or other audio files over the top of the network, to customize it.
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