TuneTracker™ QuickTip

Disk Unmounting Solutions

Users of Haiku® must mount drives they want to use, and unmount them when they don't want them around anymore. It's an easy thing to do via simple right-click on the desktop wallpaper, but there can be a catch.

If one of the following things are true, you will be unable to unmount a drive.

  1. The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
  2. You have a "Find" query open that includes a search of the drive you want to unmount
  3. The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
  4. You are running MDR (the Mail Daemon Replacement) for your e-mail.

The solution is straightforward enough.

  1. The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
  2. Right-click on "Tracker" in your Haiku® deskbar and choose "Close All"
  3. The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
  4. Right-click on the mailbox icon in your deskbar and choose "Quit." Later when you create a new e-mail message, you can tell MDR to relaunch itself...or you can do so by clicking the Haiku® start button and choosing E-Mail from Preferences and restarting the mail daemon.

You should now be able to unmount the drive with no problem.

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