TuneTracker™ QuickTip

Silencing SoundPlay

If you're an Internet broadcaster, and want to listen to something other than your broadcast signal through your main sound card's output, you can do so without affecting what's playing on your Internet stream. It's a trick that's useful if you want to preview some music, mark ramp times, etc.

  1. Click the Haiku® start button, move your mouse over Preferences, and left-click on Media

  2. On the left side, "Audio Mixer."

  3. On the right side, click the "Mute" x-box associated with SoundPlay. It will go silent in your speakers, but continue to be heard over the Internet. When you want to hear it again, just unmute it. Important: This tip is for Internet-only broadcasters. If you're broadcasting a traditional over-the-air terrestrial station, don't use this tip, because it will silence your broadcast signal!

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