Radio Automation Software | The TuneTracker System
TuneTracker QuickTip
Remote Possibilities - Using TT Anywhere
If you are doing a remote broadcast and wish to put yourself on the air rather than being engineered by someone back at the radio station, there is a way, using our TT Anywhere program, if you have access to high speed Internet. Just log into TT Anywhere via VNC from a laptop at your remote location, and bring AutoCast right up on your screen. Here are the requisites:
Third, you must have a method of getting your broadcast back to the radio station which does not require a staffer to set it up for you. Marti is one method. An auto-pickup telephone coupler is another. Feed the audio source into your switcher.
Fourth, set up a configurable button in TuneTracker AutoCast with an obvious name such as "Marti" or "Phone" or "Remote." Set the button type to "Switcher" and specify the input and output it should use.
That'll do it! Now, before you start using your new method, some testing is in order. Set everything up as if you were actually going to broadcast. Assure you are outside of your building, not on your own local area network. Go through the entire process at least once, and iron out the inevitable wrinkles. But once you have this set up, we think you'll really enjoy using it!
One final kudo. If you're using RF equipment such as Marti, assure it will not interfere with your laptop, epsecially if you're using wireless Internet. If your laptop is ok, but your wireless is not, try a wired ethernet cable instead.
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