TuneTracker™ QuickTip

RadioDaddy is Your Friend

Smaller stations, with smaller budgets, face a dilemma; a tiny air staff, and no revenue to hire "external voices." The result can be a radio station that sounds like what it is...one, two, or three people doing all the announcing.

http://www.radiodaddy.com to the rescue! This wonderful new resource, which has already drawn about 500 users, is an online forum where stations can post requests for free voice-overs of their written copy. Everyone who signs up agrees on a goodwill basis to help out where they can, resulting in a huge talent pool. It's a great way to get fresh voices onto your station's airwaves. You can submit liners, promos, psas, even commercials and logo design requests!

Granted, since anyone can sign up, the caliber of talent varies greatly, and not all requests for assistance get answered. But with a little persistence, most people seem to get at least one person to record a version for them (sometimes more than one person responds!), and some of them will even do production for you (adding music and sound effects, etc).

To post a request, you just log in, submit your written copy to the forum, then check back for answers. If someone records for you, they will post answer with the file attached, often an MP3, which you can download.

In addition to volunteer voice-overs and production, RadioDaddy recently added a free, daily audio news service called "RDN News" (see our previous q-tip) and a meterologist who will supply personalized weathercasts!

Enjoy RadioDaddy. Just be sure to also give someone else a hand. Ideally, for each request you make to RadioDaddy, you should do at least one voice-over for someone else there. Fair is fair, after all, right?

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