TuneTracker Radio Automation Software - Support Services
TuneTracker QuickTip
Quickly Changing File Attributes
SCENARIO: You want to change the wording of an attribute field in a whole
bunch of MP3 files, scattered across various directories, without
having to go into all of those directories to make the change.
SOLUTION: Do a query search to find all the applicable files, and drag
the whole found-list into Army Knife. Simple step-by-step instructions
1. Do a Haiku® query search to find all the files on your system that
meet the criteria...
The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
Click on the desktop background and do Ctrl-F or Alt-F (depending
on how you have your system set up)
The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
Change "All Files and Folders" to "mpeg audio file" or "mp3 sound
file" (the option varies a bit)
The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
Change "By Name" to "By Attribute"
The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
A new "Name Button" appears...change it to "Comment" (see where
we're going?)
The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
In the text box "Contains," type in your search criteria
The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
Click Search
You'll get a list of all the files on your system matching the
criteria. When the query search is complete, select "All" from the
"Window" pulldown menu.
2. Change them in Army Knife
The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
Open Army Knife, which is found in the TuneTracker System
"Extras" folder
The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
Drag your selected grouping of files from the query window and
drop it on Army Knife.
The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
It's also possible to use a right-click and "Open With" for Army
Knife, but large numbers of files will gag it when you do it that way.
The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
In Army Knife, where you see the "Comment" field, type in what
you would prefer it to say
The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
Click "Apply" in the lower right corner of the window.
This same procedure can be used to find any grouping of files,
regardless of attribute. Instead of "Comment" above, you could just as
easily edit the attribute for a cluster of songs by "Genre" or "Artist"
or "Album," as examples.
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