TuneTracker™ QuickTip
Using Lightning as a "brain reinforcement tool"

It happens to all of us one time or another. We know what song we want, but we can't quite remember the Title or the Artist. Darn! But Lightning, our song finder and program log editor, can help. You can search by whatever little scraps of info you do know. For example, you may remember that the song is really short, and it's early rock 'n' roll. So, search for songs between 1:00 and 2:30 in length, with the Comment 50s and the Genre Rock. And, hmm...come to think of it, the Title might contain the word "baby." Add that in the Title field. Then do a search. The results should be slimmed down enough to bring up a small list that contains the song you have in mind.

The thing to remember about Lightning is that it doesn't require the entire Title or Artist or Album name. Any of the text fields can just be a partial search based on what you CAN remember!

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