TuneTracker Radio Automation Software - Support Services
TuneTracker QuickTip
Following LPFM News
Since we have a great-many LPFM (low power FM) stations that use TuneTracker, we try to provide information that's helpful to them sometimes here in Quick TIps. Here's a trick that's great for following all the latest happenings in the ever-changing world of LPFM.
The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
Click on the "News Alerts" link (left side of page)
The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
When the "Create a Google Alert" page comes up, type LPFM in the Search Terms box.
The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
For Type, choose "News"
The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
For How Often, choose "once a day"
The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
Click "Create Alert"
From now on, you will get a daily e-mail digest of links leading to all the latest news about low power fm. The same trick works for any other issue you want to follow, but we were excited to discover just how comprehensively this provides LPFM news and information.
Get these all the time! Write to us and we'll add you to our weekly e-mail tiplist.
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