DOUBLE-protect those precious radio station files!

TuneBacker Hard Drive Backup System

Let's be realistic. Creating a radio station takes thought, planning and effort. So just imagine if, after you got everything just how you wanted it, someone came up behind you, tapped you on the shoulder, and told you "ok, now throw away everything you've done and start over." That's exactly the effect a hard drive failure can have. In an instant, a voltage spike or physical failure can wipe out all your work, leaving you with the heart-sickening task of trying to recreate everything again...from scratch.

Why let this happen to you when, for as little as $299, you can have one of the most bulletproof backup systems ever devised? The TuneBacker™ backup system consists of two removable hard drives and quick-install software, pre-configured to work with Haiku® and the TuneTracker system. You can order it for existing systems, or ask that it be included, pre-installed, when purchasing a TuneTracker "Station-in-a-Box" system.

Your backups can happen as often as you want. They can be scheduled right through AutoCast, and you can also do a backup on-demand at any time. At least once a week, we recommend you swap the spare drive with the one currently in the computer. That way you always have a very recent copy of all your precious station contents that's stored safely away, isolated from the computer, safe from voltage spikes, theft, etc.

Both TuneBacker drives are mounted in trays that slide in and out of a rack mounted in the front of your computer. Put one in the rack, keep the other in a safe place.

Murphy's Law, foiled...

In a standard backup system, one bad jolt can easily wipe out both your main drive and your backup drive. But even that isn't enough to stop you with our system. Because TuneBacker™ is a two-drive backup system, even a voltage spike that lays waste to both your internal and removable drives can't destroy your data. You always have that extra drive, carefully stowed away in a safe location such as a fireproof box or somewhere off-site.

Anyone who has ever gone through the heartbreak of a radio station hard drive failure will tell you: "A few extra dollars is nothing compared to trouble of rebuilding your station from scratch. Get the backup system!"

   TuneBacker 250™

Hard Drive Backup System

Double-redundant, 250 GB hard drive backup system with TWO removable hard drives and all required software. Correct item for use with our "AutoCast One" station-in-a-box package.




   TuneBacker 1000™

Hard Drive Backup System

Double-redundant, 1 terabyte hard drive backup system with TWO removable hard drives and all required software. Correct item for use with our "TeraCaster 1000" station-in-a-box package.




   TuneBacker 2000™

Hard Drive Backup System

Double-redundant, 2 terabyte hard drive backup system with TWO removable hard drives and all required software. Correct item for use with our "TeraCaster 2000" station-in-a-box package.




   TuneBacker 4000™

Hard Drive Backup System

Double-redundant, hard drive backup system with TWO removable 4-terabyte hard drives and all required software. Correct item for use with our "Quadracaster" station-in-a-box package.


