Helping with the third "T"
A successful radio station requires investment
in the "Three T's:"
Time, Treasure, and Thought
If that third "T" isn't given enough attention, the result can be a waste of the other two.
Think about who you want to reach, and how, and then contact us and let us help you turn your thoughts and ideas into radio programming that will attract and hold those all-important listeners.
How we can help
With our decades of real-world programming expertise, TuneTracker Systems consulting services can really help you turn those radio dreams into radio reality. Just get your ideas together, then call and discuss them with us. We'll ask questions that'll help define and refine your goals, then we'll create a finished station format for you, complete with format clocks and master logs, ready for immediate use with your TuneTracker System.
The price is just $75 an hour...and for simpler formats, we can often accomplish everything in just one hour. Invest a small amount of treasure in some experienced thought that'll save you a whole lot of time, and in the process, make your station more successful, right from day one.
We can also assist you in writing custom "batchfile" scripts, to accomplish a variety of tasks, including auto-file-downloaders, and special meta data updaters for specific streaming services. For all custom script design, we charge a $75 "estimate fee," which pays us to analyze your situation and determine how (and whether) your need can be met. If we come up with a solution, the $75 will be applied toward the final cost of the script design, which normally ranges between $175 and $250 depending on complexity and the time involved in creating it.
We can also help you in selecting studio equipment, and in other aspects of setting up your radio station.
For details or to request assistance, call 920-672-8244.